Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Jul 18, 2024
Jun 14, 2023

Inauthentic Behavior

Ads must comply with the Community Standard on Inauthentic Behavior.


Advertisers cannot create or use inauthentic assets to deceive Meta or our users about their identity or the origin, popularity, or purpose of their content. Advertisers cannot use inauthentic assets - including business manager accounts - to evade enforcement under our Community or Advertising Standards, and must not engage in any form of Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior.


We have the same policies around the world, for everyone on Facebook.

Review teams

Our global team of over 15,000 reviewers work every day to keep people on Facebook safe.

Stakeholder engagement

Outside experts, academics, NGOs and policymakers help inform the Facebook Community Standards.