Policies that outline what is and isn't allowed on our apps.
Policies for ad content and business assets.
Other policies that apply to Meta technologies.
How we update our policies, measure results, work with others, and more.
Explore how we help teens have safe, positive experiences on Facebook and Instagram.
How we approach dangerous organizations and individuals.
How we support communities in the face of the opioid epidemic.
How we help prevent interference, empower people to vote and more.
How we work with independent fact-checkers, and more, to identify and take action on misinformation.
How we assess content for newsworthiness.
How we reduce problematic content in News Feed.
How we build AI systems.
Comprehensive access to public data from Facebook and Instagram
Comprehensive and searchable database of all ads currently running across Meta technologies
Additional tools for in-depth research on Meta technologies and programs
Quarterly report on how well we're doing at enforcing our policies on the Facebook app and Instagram.
Report on how well we're helping people protect their intellectual property.
Report on government request for people's data.
Report on when we restrict content that's reported to us as violating local law.
Report on intentional internet restrictions that limit people's ability to access the internet.
Quarterly report on what people see on Facebook, including the content that receives the widest distribution during the quarter.
Download current and past regulatory reports for Facebook and Instagram.
DEC 27, 2024
We summarize changes we’ve made to the Content Distribution Guidelines and detail any specific adjustments to the types of content we demote.
This quarter, we made the following changes:
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating Our Community Standards to reflect our approach to spam.
This quarter, we made the following changes:
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating Our Community Standards because we have not utilized the demotion on fake accounts since 2022, and this update was missing from the change log.
This quarter, we made the following changes:
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating Our Community Standards to reflect our approach to scams.
This quarter, we made the following changes:
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating Our Community Standards to reflect our approach to Eating Disorder and Self Harm content
This quarter, we made the following changes:
We updated the guideline for Inauthentic Sharing because we no longer demote posts to groups and link posts that have been shared at high frequency.
This quarter, we made the following changes:
We removed the guideline for Low Quality Videos, because we no longer reduce the distribution of these videos.
We removed the guideline for Pages Posting Unoriginal Videos, because we no longer reduce the distribution of these pages.
We removed the guideline for Content Borderline to the Community Standards, because we take a personalized ranking approach to this type of content.
This quarter we made the following changes (note: individual changes to each guideline can be found in that guideline’s changelog):
We updated the guideline for Content Borderline to the Community Standards because we no longer demote borderline vaccine content.
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating our Community Standards because we no longer globally reduce the distribution of COVID-19 related content. See more details here.
This quarter we made the following change (note: individual changes to each guideline can be found in that guideline’s changelog):
We removed the guideline for Posts from Broadly Untrusted News Publishers, because we are no longer use it as a ranking signal.
This quarter we made the following changes (note: individual changes to each guideline can be found in that guideline’s changelog):
We consolidated three overlapping guidelines into one for improved clarity. Posts from People who Hypershare into Groups and Posts from Pages that Artificially Inflate Their Distribution are now part of the Inauthentic Sharing guideline.
We updated the guideline for Content Posted by Repeat Violators of our Policies to include cases where we may take action on a single strike if it is a severe violation.
We updated language on the Our Approach to Ranking page under "Types of Content We Demote" to mention personalized demotions.
This quarter we made the following changes:
We removed the guideline for Links to Suspected Cloaking Domains, because we no longer reduce the distribution of these links.
We removed the guideline for Low Quality Browsing Experiences, because we no longer reduce the distribution of these links.
We removed the guideline for Posts from People who Likely Have Multiple Accounts, because this is already covered by the Community Standards.
This quarter we made the following changes (note: individual changes to each guideline can be found in that guideline’s changelog):
We removed the guideline for Links to Landing Pages Containing Sexual/Shocking Content, because we no longer reduce the distribution of these links.
We made minor edits to the language of several guidelines to provide more clarity on what content is demoted and why.
This quarter we made the following changes (note: individual changes to each guideline can be found in that guideline’s changelog):
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating our Community Standards to include new demotions on false claims about Covid-19 and posts containing restricted goods or services.
We deprecated the guideline for News Articles Lacking Transparent Authorship, because we no longer reduce the distribution of news articles that do not have an authorship byline.
This quarter we made the following changes (note: individual changes to each guideline can be found in that guideline’s changelog):
We updated the guideline for Content Likely Violating our Community Standards to include new demotions on violence and incitement, bullying and harassment, and spam from public groups.
We made changes to Content Borderline to the Community Standards to include new demotions that focus on hostile speech, and removed language around violence-inducing conspiracy networks because this content is no longer reduced, it is removed.
We changed the text of the guideline on Sensationalist Health Content and Commercial Health Posts to more accurately reflect the demotions that the guideline represents.
We added a new guideline, Pages Posting Unoriginal Videos, to summarize new demotions that act on pages posting videos that are not primarily filmed or produced by the Page.