Meta AI Verification Terms


AUG 23, 2024

These AI Verification Terms supplement Meta’s AI Terms of Service and Meta’s AI Disclosures.

When you provide photos of yourself to improve your AI Images from Meta AI, Meta uses artificial intelligence (“AI”) technology to compare the provided photos with the live photos that you took of yourself during the initial setup to verify that they are of the same person. To work, the AI technology transforms the provided photos and live photos into embeddings representing your visual characteristics and compares the embeddings to verify that they were generated from photos of the same person. This technology may be considered facial recognition. The embeddings will be used solely for this purpose and will be deleted within just a few seconds of creation.

By providing photos to improve your AI Images from Meta AI, you represent, warrant and agree that the photos that you provide are of you and do not include or otherwise incorporate any other person(s). You further expressly waive and release any claim that might be brought by you or on your behalf against Meta or any Meta affiliate alleging that these AI Verification Terms or the conduct described herein fail to comply with or otherwise violate in any respect the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, 740 ILCS 14, or the Texas Capture or Use of Biometric Identifier Act, Tex. Bus. & Com. Code § 503. If any aspect of this Paragraph is deemed invalid or unenforceable, that aspect shall be severed and not affect the validity or enforceability of any other aspect.