Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Jul 9, 2024


Ads must not contain profanity.

Many profane words have strong connotations and can be offensive. In keeping with our commitment to user safety, we generally do not allow profanity in ads. However, we do allow some profanity in limited cases to account for artistic context, acronyms, and other benign usage.

Ads can't include:

  • Profanity and obscene language, even when it’s obscure, misspelled or vague, such as when using symbols or emojis
  • Profane gestures, including those that use photo editing or alteration to convey profanity

Ads can include:

  • Fully blurred profanity, or bleeped or covered audio, as long as it’s not used excessively
  • Acronyms that stand for profane language, as long as the acronym itself does not spell a profane word


“Click here for more information!”


“T-shirts buy here”

“Buuy Tshirts hear”

“Buy Ga.rcin-ia Camb,ogia here”

“ t*s*h*i*r*t*s”

“@ office” , instead of “At office”

“♧ ♥ ♡ ♢ ♢ Buy Now ♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ⚜”

“Whÿ wónt yòu clîck mé?”




“🤬 🖕💩 “

“Get the best f*!%ing tshirts here.”

“Tired of shitty cell service? Switch to a provider with better coverage.”

An image alt text

This image replaces letters for symbols to portray profanity and is non-compliant.

An image alt text

This image shows a person making a profane gesture and is non-compliant.


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