Fraud, Scams and Deceptive Practices

Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Fraud, Scams and Deceptive Practices

Ads Must Comply with the Community Standard on Fraud, Scams and Deceptive Practices.


We aim to protect users and businesses from being deceived out of their money, property or personal information. We achieve this by removing content and combatting behavior that purposefully employs deceptive means – such as wilful misrepresentation, stolen information and exaggerated claims – to either scam or defraud users and businesses, or to drive engagement. This includes content that seeks to coordinate or promote these activities using our platform. We allow people to raise awareness and educate others as well as condemn these activities.

This policy provides specific additional protections beyond what is prohibited in the Community Standards for Fraud, Scam and Deceptive Practices.

Additional Guidelines for Ads

The following are additional requirements ads must follow, in addition to the requirements in our Community Standard on Frauds, Scams and Deceptive Practices.

Prohibited Loan Products

Ads can't

  • Promote Payday Loans, which are short-term loans that are typically due on the borrower's next payday. These loans are generally for small amounts and come with high interest rates and fees.
  • Promote Paycheck Advances, which are short-term loans that are an advance on a future paycheck.
  • Promote Bail Bonds, which are loans that allow criminal defendants to get conditional release from custody by paying a sum of money determined by the court.
  • Promote Short-term Loans of 90 days or less, which are loans that require repayment in full in 90 days or less from the date the loan is issued.
  • Promote misleading content related to student loan consolidation, forgiveness, or refinancing services by using deceptive practices, such as overstating the benefits to the user or not disclosing terms upfront.

Misleading Health Practices

Ads can't

  • Promote claims (including those from health professionals or health organizations) to cure, heal, or eliminate any of the following incurable diseases and/or terminal illnesses (exhaustive list):
    • Diabetes
    • Herpes
    • Thyroid
    • Psoriasis
    • Ebola
    • Cancer
    • Autism
    • Alzheimer's
    • Parkinson's
    • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
    • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Promise specific health-related results in specific time with no qualifying or disclaimer language.
  • Employ click-bait tactics in a health context, such as the use of sensational language that makes exaggerated or extreme health claims.

Deceptive and Misleading Financial Instruments

Ads can't

  • Promote Penny Auctions, bidding fee auctions or other similar business models, which are a type of auction where all participants have to pay a non-refundable fee to place a bid.
  • Promote Binary Options, which are financial products where the payoff is either a fixed monetary amount or nothing at all.
  • Promote Initial Coin Offerings, which are a type of funding for cryptocurrencies that is often a form of crowdfunding.
  • Promote Contract for Difference trading, which involves a financial contract that pays the differences in the settlement price between the open and closing trades.


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