Third-Party Intellectual Property Infringement

Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Aug 26, 2024
Policy Rationale

Meta takes intellectual property rights seriously and is committed to protecting these rights while promoting expression, creativity, and innovation in a space built on community trust.

For this reason, we enforce a policy against posting content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights, including copyright, trademark, or other legal rights. We publish information about the intellectual property reports we receive in our Intellectual Property Transparency Report.

To report content that you feel may infringe upon your intellectual property rights, please visit our Intellectual Property Help Center, visit our Business Protection page, or consider applying for access to Brand Rights Protection.

Upon receipt of a report from a rights holder or an authorized representative, we will remove or restrict content that engages in:
  • Copyright infringement.
  • Trademark infringement.
  • The sale or promotion of counterfeit goods
  • False affiliation with brand(s)
  • Any other infringement or violation of intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights
We also remove content that:
  • Contains signs that suggest the content is selling or promoting counterfeits of branded goods
  • Contains off-platform links to websites dedicated to the sale or promotion of suspected counterfeit goods
  • Sells or promotes suspected counterfeit goods that are identical or highly similar to content that has been previously reported as counterfeit by a rightsholder
  • Shares, promotes, or facilitates suspected copyright infringement
We remove accounts that:
  • Engage in repeated violations of this policy.

We allow content that Is authorized by the rights holder and follows established fair use principles

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Learn what you can do if you see something on Facebook that goes against our Community Standards.