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Change log


Current version

Jan 7, 2025
Feb 29, 2024
Dec 5, 2023
May 25, 2023
Nov 23, 2022
Jul 28, 2022
Jun 30, 2022
Nov 24, 2021
Oct 28, 2021
Jun 23, 2021
Jan 28, 2021
Nov 18, 2020
Oct 12, 2020
Sep 23, 2020
Aug 11, 2020
Jul 30, 2020
Jun 22, 2020
Mar 26, 2020
Feb 27, 2020
Dec 16, 2019
Oct 30, 2019
Aug 26, 2019
Jul 30, 2019
Jul 1, 2019
Mar 20, 2019
Aug 31, 2018
May 25, 2018
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Policy Rationale

We believe that people use their voice and connect more freely when they don’t feel attacked on the basis of who they are. That is why we don’t allow hateful conduct on Facebook, Instagram, or Threads.

We define hateful conduct as direct attacks against people — rather than concepts or institutions — on the basis of what we call protected characteristics (PCs): race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, and serious disease. Additionally, we consider age a protected characteristic when referenced along with another protected characteristic. We also protect refugees, migrants, immigrants, and asylum seekers from the most severe attacks (Tier 1 below), though we do allow commentary on and criticism of immigration policies. Similarly, we provide some protections for non- protected characteristics, such as occupation, when they are referenced along with a protected characteristic. Sometimes, based on local nuance, we consider certain words or phrases as frequently used proxies for protected characteristics.

We remove dehumanizing speech, allegations of serious immorality or criminality, and slurs. We also remove harmful stereotypes, which we define as dehumanizing comparisons that have historically been used to attack, intimidate, or exclude specific groups, and that are often linked with offline violence. Finally, we remove serious insults, expressions of contempt or disgust, cursing, and calls for exclusion or segregation when targeting people based on protected characteristics. We separate this speech into two tiers of severity, described below.

We recognize that people sometimes share content that includes slurs or someone else’s speech in order to condemn the speech or report on it. In other cases, speech, including slurs, that might otherwise violate our standards is used self-referentially or in an empowering way. We allow this type of speech where the speaker’s intention is clear. Where intention is unclear, we may remove content.

People sometimes use sex- or gender-exclusive language when discussing access to spaces often limited by sex or gender, such as access to bathrooms, specific schools, specific military, law enforcement, or teaching roles, and health or support groups. Other times, they call for exclusion or use insulting language in the context of discussing political or religious topics, such as when discussing transgender rights, immigration, or homosexuality. Finally, sometimes people curse at a gender in the context of a romantic break-up. Our policies are designed to allow room for these types of speech.

Do not post:

Tier 1

Content targeting a person or group of people (except groups described as having carried out violent or sexual crimes or representing less than half of a group) on the basis of their aforementioned protected characteristic(s) or immigration status in written or visual form with:

  • Dehumanizing speech in the form of comparisons to or generalizations about animals, pathogens, or other sub-human life forms, including:
  • Insects (including but not limited to: cockroaches, locusts)
  • Animals in general or specific types of animals that are culturally perceived as inferior (including but not limited to: Black people and apes or ape-like creatures; Jewish people and rats; Muslim people and pigs; Mexican people and worms)
  • Bacteria, viruses, or microbes
  • Subhumanity (including but not limited to: savages, devils, monsters)
  • Allegations of serious immorality and criminality:
  • Sexual predators and pedophiles (including but not limited to: Muslim people having sex with goats or pigs)
  • Violent criminals (including but not limited to: terrorists, murderers)
  • Calls and hopes for the following harms (serious or specific threats and calls for violence are addressed under our Violence and Incitement policy):
  • Contracting a disease
  • Experiencing a natural disaster
  • Self-injury or suicide
  • Death without a perpetrator or method
  • Accidents and other physical harms caused either by no perpetrator or by a deity
  • Harmful stereotypes historically linked to intimidation or violence, such as Blackface; Holocaust denial; claims that Jewish people control financial, political, or media institutions; references to Dalits as menial laborers; and comparing Black people to farm equipment.
  • Mocking the concept, events or victims of hate crimes even if no real person is depicted in an image.
  • Mocking people for having or experiencing a disease.
  • Content that describes or negatively targets people with slurs. Slurs are defined as words that inherently create an atmosphere of exclusion and intimidation against people on the basis of a protected characteristic, often because these words are tied to historical discrimination, oppression, and violence.

Tier 2

Content targeting a person or group of people on the basis of their protected characteristic(s) (in written or visual form) with:

  • Calls or support for exclusion or segregation or statements of intent to exclude or segregate, defined as:
  • General exclusion, which means calling for general exclusion or segregation, such as “No X allowed!”
  • Political exclusion, which means denying the right to political participation or arguing for incarceration or denial of political rights.
  • Economic exclusion, which means denying access to economic entitlements and limiting participation in the labor market. We do allow content arguing for gender-based limitations of military, law enforcement, and teaching jobs. We also allow the same content based on sexual orientation, when the content is based on religious beliefs.
  • Social exclusion, which means things like denying access to spaces (physical and online) and social services, except for sex or gender-based exclusion from spaces commonly limited by sex or gender, such as restrooms, sports and sports leagues, health and support groups, and specific schools.
  • Insults, including those about:
  • Character, including but not limited to allegations of cowardice, dishonesty, basic criminality, and sexual promiscuity or other sexual immorality.
  • Mental characteristics, including but not limited to allegations of stupidity, intellectual capacity, and mental illness, and unsupported comparisons between PC groups on the basis of inherent intellectual capacity. We do allow allegations of mental illness or abnormality when based on gender or sexual orientation, given political and religious discourse about transgenderism and homosexuality and common non-serious usage of words like “weird.”
  • Other areas, including but not limited to allegations of worthlessness, uselessness, ugliness, dirtiness.
  • Expressions that suggest the target causes sickness, including but not limited to “make me vomit.”
  • Targeted cursing, except certain gender-based cursing in a romantic break-up context, defined as:
  • Targeted use of “fuck” or variations of “fuck” with intent to insult, such as “Fuck the [Protected Characteristic]!”
  • Terms or phrases calling for engagement in sexual activity, or contact with genitalia, anus, feces or urine, including but not limited to: suck my dick, kiss my ass, eat shit.

For the following Community Standards, we require additional information and/or context to enforce:

Do not post:

  • Content explicitly providing or offering to provide products or services that aim to change people’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Content attacking concepts, institutions, ideas, practices, or beliefs associated with protected characteristics, which are likely to contribute to imminent physical harm, intimidation or discrimination against the people associated with that protected characteristic. Meta looks at a range of signs to determine whether there is a threat of harm in the content. These include but are not limited to: content that could incite imminent violence or intimidation; whether there is a period of heightened tension such as an election or ongoing conflict; and whether there is a recent history of violence against the targeted protected group. In some cases, we may also consider whether the speaker is a public figure or occupies a position of authority.

In certain cases, we will allow content that may otherwise violate the Community Standards when it is determined that the content is satirical. Content will only be allowed if the violating elements of the content are being satirized or attributed to something or someone else in order to mock or criticize them.

Note: if you are a European Union user, and are seeing content that you believe violates hate speech laws within your country, you can submit a legal removal request to Facebook or Instagram.

User experiences

See some examples of what enforcement looks like for people on Facebook, such as: what it looks like to report something you don’t think should be on Facebook, to be told you’ve violated our Community Standards and to see a warning screen over certain content.

Note: We’re always improving, so what you see here may be slightly outdated compared to what we currently use.


Percentage of times people saw violating content

Content actioned

Number of pieces of violating content we took action on

Proactive rate

Percentage of violating content we found before people reported it

Appealed content

Number of pieces of content people appealed after we took action on it

Restored content

Number of pieces of content we restored after we originally took action on it


Percentage of times people saw violating content

Content actioned

Number of pieces of violating content we took action on

Proactive rate

Percentage of violating content we found before people reported it

Appealed content

Number of pieces of content people appealed after we took action on it

Restored content

Number of pieces of content we restored after we originally took action on it

Universal entry point

We have an option to report, whether it's on a post, comment, story, message, profile or something else.

Get started

We help people report things that they don’t think should be on our platform.

Select a problem

We ask people to tell us more about what’s wrong. This helps us send the report to the right place.

Check your report

Make sure the details are correct before you click Submit. It’s important that the problem selected truly reflects what was posted.

Report submitted

After these steps, we submit the report. We also lay out what people should expect next.

More options

We remove things if they go against our Community Standards, but you can also Unfollow, Block or Unfriend to avoid seeing posts in future.

Post-report communication
Update via notifications

After we’ve reviewed the report, we’ll send the reporting user a notification.

More detail in the Support Inbox

We’ll share more details about our review decision in the Support Inbox. We’ll notify people that this information is there and send them a link to it.

Appeal option

If people think we got the decision wrong, they can request another review.

Post-appeal communication

We’ll send a final response after we’ve re-reviewed the content, again to the Support Inbox.

Takedown experience
Immediate notification

When someone posts something that doesn't follow our rules, we’ll tell them.

Additional context

We’ll also address common misperceptions and explain why we made the decision to enforce.

Policy Explanation

We’ll give people easy-to-understand explanations about the relevant rule.

Option for review

If people disagree with the decision, they can ask for another review and provide more information.

Final decision

We set expectations about what will happen after the review has been submitted.

Warning screens
Warning screens in context

We cover certain content in News Feed and other surfaces, so people can choose whether to see it.

More information

In this example, we give more context on why we’ve covered the photo with more context from independent fact-checkers


We have the same policies around the world, for everyone on Facebook.

Review teams

Our global team of over 15,000 reviewers work every day to keep people on Facebook safe.

Stakeholder engagement

Outside experts, academics, NGOs and policymakers help inform the Facebook Community Standards.

Get help with hateful conduct

Learn what you can do if you see something on Facebook that goes against our Community Standards.